A great turnout for an easy trip into Great Douk on the side of Ingleborough. Going underground were:
- Robin
- Andy
- Pete
- Danielle
- Dave
- Catriona
- Dani
- Gemma (first ever caving trip 😀)
- Stuart

It was a cold day with frost on the ground so we were all happy to be in warmer conditions underground. We stopped a few times to admire the formations

but it wasn’t too long before the final crawl out was reached. Robin tried unsuccessfully to get a volunteer to go first; however we’d all become wise to his encouraging words and ignored him 😆

We all made it through the tight bits without too much fuss and were soon back on the surface.

Although for some reason Andy and I came out a different way 🧐

We all walked over to Hardrawkin Pot where Andy and I went down while the rest went off to investigate Sunset Pot

Andy and Stuart down Hardrawkin Pot
Once back out we headed back to the cars and went to meet up with the others for a drink at The Wheatsheaf